Tuesday, June 29, 2004

New Zealand Travels (March 15th, 2003)

"An early bus took me to Whitianga (pronounced fit-i-ang-a), the principal tourist base on the Coromandel Peninsula. On the way we passed through Coromandel which is a bit of a one-horse town. We climbed the hill range and I was able to make out the Sleeping Giant on the skyline - so I am protected on my travels through the area.

I met a womain called Gail on the bus who was supposed to be cycling around NZ. The problem was that the hills were so steep and she was carrying a lot of unnecessary baggage. So she was taking the bus. We got chatting and arranged to meet to explore Whitianga. I stayed at the Cats Pyjamas Hostel. A lovely couple (Wendy and Buster) run the place and give it a very cosy feel. It's a bit basic but it had everything that I needed. Most especially company.

Gail and I met up and crossed the bay on the ever-present ferry. From there we ascended Shakespeare's Lookout and explored Lonely Beach (which had a few Kiwi Experience people on it). After we had strolled back we had a drink which gave me the opportunity to sample a New Zealand drink - Southern Comfort with L & P (very tasty). We decided that we'd have a fancy restaurant meal since we were both fed up with cooking, and it gave us the opportunity to sample the famous Coromandel mussels. Afterwards we met up with some others from the hostel at a nearby sports bar and had a good night. Oh yes, and I nearly ended up in a fight.

The fight that wasn't came about as a result of this Scottish guy (resident) plonking himself down between Hilda (Irish girl) and me. After a moments converstion he realised that he wasn't impressing Hilda and turned on me. "Those are crap sandals. You must be a bit of a wanker"
"I'm not getting into this."
"So you're a soft wanker then?"
"Just forget it - I'm not interested."
Eventually he fucked off, leaving me angry and in a certain amount of turmoil regarding my handling of the situation. On the one hand I didn't lose the plot, but then that could be viewed as the cowards way out. On the other hand, all that was going through my head was the scene from "Once Were Warriors" where the guy gets beaten up in short order because he "hadn't spent enough time on his speed work". I so wanted to wipe that smug smirk off that fat fucks face by kicking his chair from under him and inflicting pain until he apologised for interrupting my evening. More likely I would have jumped up, he would have decked me and I would have left with a nose pissing blood and everyone thinking I was a total tit. So I made the right choice, but it has reinforced my resolve to learn a martial art."


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